120 Investigatory Project in Chemistry for Class 12 Cbse Topics

120 Investigatory Project in Chemistry for Class 12 Cbse Topics

Chemistry is an important and exciting science that affects our daily lives. For Class 12 CBSE students, doing chemistry projects is a great way to learn more about this subject. These investigatory project in chemistry for class 12 cbse topics help students understand different chemical ideas and how they are used in real life.

For example, they might study how acid rain affects rocks or how silver can remove bacteria permantely. By doing these hands-on experiments, students can see how chemistry is important in areas like medicine, the environment, and industry. These projects make learning fun and help students understand the practical side of chemistry.

Also read: Community Service Project Ideas for Engineering Students

120 Investigatory Project in Chemistry for Class 12 Cbse Topics

  1. Abiotic Synthesis of Silicon-Based Life: Exploring the potential for silicon-based life forms through abiotic synthesis
  2. Formation of Acid Ice: Investigating how acids form solid structures at low temperatures.
  3. Absorbing Ammonia: Examining materials that absorb ammonia from the environment.
  4. Acid versus Teeth: Studying the effects of acidic substances on dental enamel.
  5. Acidity In Tea: Measuring and comparing the acidity levels in various tea samples.
  6. Adjusting the Level of Chlorine to Minimize Loss Through Evaporation: Finding optimal chlorine levels in water treatment to reduce evaporation loss.
  7. Adulterants in Food: Detecting and analyzing common adulterants in food products.
  8. Activated Charcoal: Studying the properties and uses of activated charcoal in filtration.
  9. Aldol Condensation: Investigating the aldol condensation reaction and its products.
  10. Are Copper Pipes a Significant Source of Copper in Drinking Water: Analyzing the contribution of copper pipes to copper levels in drinking water.
  11. Alternative Methods to Produce Iodized Salt: Exploring different techniques for iodizing salt.
  12. Alka-Seltzer Rocket Race: Investigating the reaction rates of Alka-Seltzer in various conditions.
  13. Amorphous Solids: Studying the properties and applications of amorphous solids.
  14. Amateur Studies in Polymer Construction: Experimenting with the creation and properties of various polymers.
  15. An Ionic Inquiry Gives Saline Solutions: Exploring how ionic compounds dissolve to form saline solutions.
  16. Analysis of Honey: Testing the composition and quality of different honey samples.
  17. Analysis of Bioactive Compounds in Arctostaphylos in Different Solvents: Extracting and analyzing bioactive compounds from Arctostaphylos plants.
  18. Analysis of Fruit and Vegetables Juices: Comparing the nutritional content of various fruit and vegetable juices.
  19. Analyzing the Water for Mercury Through the Use of Light: Detecting mercury levels in water using light-based methods.
  20. Antibacterial Silver: Investigating the antibacterial properties of silver and its applications.
  21. Do Copper Pipes Act as a Good Copper Resource in Drinking Water: Reassessing the impact of copper pipes on drinking water quality.
  22. Analysis of Fertilisers: Testing the composition and effectiveness of different fertilizers.
  23. Apple Dehydration: Examining the process and effects of dehydrating apples.
  24. How Can Biodiesel Be Fuel for the Future: Investigating the potential of biodiesel as an alternative fuel.
  25. Blocking the Ultraviolet Light: Studying materials that effectively block ultraviolet light.
  26. The Science of Cake: Analyzing the chemical reactions involved in baking a cake.
  27. Calcium Oxalate: Protector of Marble: Investigating how calcium oxalate can protect marble surfaces.
  28. Calories Count: Measuring the caloric content of various foods.
  29. Does Electricity Affect the Quality of Hardness of Water?: Exploring the impact of electrical fields on water hardness.
  30. Catalytic Decomposition: Studying the catalytic decomposition of various compounds.
  31. Chemical Analysis of Artificial and Authentic Red Coral: Comparing the composition of real and fake red coral.
  32. Chemical Investigation of the Content of Water and an Analysis of pH: Testing water samples for pH and chemical content.
  33. Chemistry in Black and White Photography: Exploring the chemical processes which involved in black and white photography.
  34. Analysis of Chocolates: Comparing the ingredients and quality of different chocolate brands.
  35. Commercial Antacid: Testing the effectiveness of various commercial antacids.
  36. Comparative Study and Qualitative Analysis of Various Brands of Soft Drinks: Analyzing the composition and quality of different soft drink brands.
  37. Comparing the Percentage of Lactose Between Powdered Milk and Whole Milk: Measuring lactose levels in powdered and whole milk.
  38. Comparing the Differences in Fingerprints: Studying the unique characteristics of fingerprints.
  39. Comparing Two Biodiesel Recipes from the View of Flashpoint: Testing the flashpoints of different biodiesel formulations.
  40. Composite Study of the Bio-Diesel: Analyzing the composition and properties of biodiesel.
  41. Control of the Hydrophilicity in a Nanoporous Zeolite Film: Investigating methods to control water affinity in zeolite films.
  42. Controlling the Growth of Crystal: Studying factors that influence crystal growth.
  43. Cooking Destroys the Vitamins: Testing the impact of cooking on vitamin content in foods.
  44. Correlation Between Corrosion and Conductivity: Exploring the relationship between metal corrosion and electrical conductivity.
  45. Creating an Alternative Fuel: Making an Oxyhydrogen Gas or Producing Hydrogen Gas Through Electrolysis or Vice Versa, and Producing Electricity from Hydrogen Gas: Investigating methods to produce and use hydrogen as a fuel.
  46. Destruction of the Natural Pigments Through the Interaction of Ultraviolet Light and Oxygen: Studying the degradation of pigments exposed to UV light and oxygen.
  47. Determining the Amount of Caffeine in Different Samples of Tea: Measuring caffeine levels in various tea samples.
  48. Determination of the Content of Toothpaste: Analyzing the ingredients and effectiveness of different toothpaste brands.
  49. Determining Theta by Variable Solvent: Investigating the solubility parameter theta in different solvents.
  50. Dialysis of Various Sewage Water Samples and Identification of Different Ions in the Resulting Solutions: Testing sewage water for ion content using dialysis.
  51. Digitally Advanced Thin Layered Chromatography: Using digital techniques to enhance thin-layer chromatography analysis.
  52. Discovery of New Natural Dye in the Garden: Extracting and testing new natural dyes from garden plants.
  53. The Secret Code in DNAs: Exploring the chemical structure and coding mechanisms in DNA.
  54. Do the Oranges Gain or Lose Vitamin C When Picked?: Measuring vitamin C levels in oranges before and after picking.
  55. Does Acid Catalyse the Rusting of Steel?: Investigating the role of acids in accelerating steel rusting.
  56. Do All the Fibres Burn at a Similar Rate?: Comparing the burn rates of different fiber types.
  57. Does Toothpaste Stop Bacterial Growth?: Testing the antibacterial properties of toothpaste.
  58. Does the Method of Cooking Affect the Quantity of Vitamin C Present in Carrots: Measuring vitamin C levels in carrots cooked using different methods.
  59. Does the Quantity of Ammonia Affect the Forming of Salt Crystals: Studying how ammonia levels influence salt crystal formation.
  60. Dyeing of Silk, Wool, and Cotton in Malachite Green: Comparing the dyeing process and results for different fabrics using malachite green.
  61. Studying the Effect of Acid Rain on Limestone Rock: Investigating how acid rain affects the integrity of limestone.
  62. Studying the Effect of Electrolysis on the Phenomenon of Solar Desalination: Exploring how electrolysis can enhance solar desalination.
  63. Studying the Effect of Coupling of Metal on the Rate of Corrosion: Examining how coupling different metals impacts corrosion rates.
  64. Studying the Effect of Sodium Carbonate on Foaming Capacity of Soap: Testing how sodium carbonate affects soap’s foaming ability.
  65. Studying the Effect of Temperature on Chemical Reaction: Investigating how temperature changes influence reaction rates.
  66. Studying the Effect of Temperature on Ascorbic Acid Decay: Measuring the degradation of ascorbic acid at different temperatures.
  67. Studying the Effect of the pH of Electrolyte in the Optimization of Hydrogen Fuel Cell: Optimizing hydrogen fuel cells by adjusting electrolyte pH.
  68. Studying the Effect of Temperature and Water in Altering the Levels of Toxicity of Different Pollutants: Examining how temperature and water affect pollutant toxicity.
  69. Studying the Effect of Dye on Various Kinds of Fabric: Investigating how different fabrics respond to dyeing.
  70. Studying the Effect of Heat on the Vitamin C Content in Tomatoes: Measuring vitamin C levels in tomatoes before and after heating.
  71. Electrical Cleavage of a Mineral Ore: Exploring how electricity can break down mineral ores.
  72. Electricity and Electrolyte: Investigating the relationship between electricity and electrolyte solutions.
  73. The Functioning of Electrochemical Cell: Studying how electrochemical cells generate electricity.
  74. The Process of Electrographic Metal Detection: Using electrographic techniques to detect metals.
  75. The Separation of Hydrogen from Salt Water Through Electrolysis: Extracting hydrogen from saltwater via electrolysis.
  76. Electrolytes Turning on the Solar Cell: Studying how electrolytes can be used to power solar cells.
  77. Elucidation of the Molecular Structure as well as Bonding by Viscosity: Using viscosity to study molecular structures and bonding.
  78. Energy Content in Candy Bars: Measuring the caloric energy content of different candy bars.
  79. Evaluation and Study of the Qualitative of Obtaining Drinking Water from Different Sources: Comparing the quality of drinking water from various sources.
  80. Estimation of the Quantity and the Content of Bone Ash: Analyzing the composition of bone ash samples.
  81. The Process of Evaporation of Liquids: Studying factors that affect the evaporation rate of liquids.
  82. The Process of Extraction of Nicotine Sulphate from Various Samples of Cigarettes: Extracting and analyzing nicotine sulfate from cigarette samples.
  83. The Process of Examining the Freezing Point Depression (FPD): Investigating how solutes lower the freezing point of solvents.
  84. Finding the Difference of Conductance with Temperature in Different Electrolytes: Measuring how temperature affects the conductivity of various electrolytes.
  85. Studying the Fatty Material Contained in Different Samples of Soap: Analyzing the fatty content in various soap samples.
  86. The Process of Fermentation: Studying the chemical changes during fermentation.
  87. Fingerprinting in a Crime Scene Investigation: Using chemical methods to analyze fingerprints at crime scenes.
  88. Finding the EMF of an Electrochemical Cell: Measuring the electromotive force (EMF) of electrochemical cells.
  89. Formation and Characterization of the Floating and Self-Assembling: Investigating the properties of self-assembling and floating structures.
  90. The Foaming Capacity of Various Soaps: Comparing the foaming abilities of different soap brands.
  91. Fuel for the Future: Exploring innovative and sustainable fuels for future use.
  92. Super-Hydrophobic Nanoparticle Membranes: Creating and testing membranes that repel water.
  93. Thermochemistry and Hess’ Law: Verifying Hess’ Law through thermochemical experiments.
  94. Growing Crystals Under Different Conditions: Studying how varying conditions affect crystal growth.
  95. Can Freezing Make Anything Warmer?: Investigating the paradoxical effects of freezing on temperature perception.
  96. What Is the Difference Between Carbon Dioxide Gas and the Same Quantity of CO2 Solid?: Comparing properties of CO2 in gas and solid forms.
  97. Is Corrosion of Iron Affected by Seawater?: Studying how seawater accelerates iron corrosion.
  98. How Fast Do the Ions in Hydrogen Diffuse Through Water?: Measuring the diffusion rate of hydrogen ions in water.
  99. What Is the Science Behind Powering an Engine with Water?: Exploring the feasibility of using water to power engines.
  100. How to Increase the Speed of a Chemical Reaction?: Investigating methods to accelerate chemical reactions.
  101. Can Hydrofoam Change the Way the World Is Powered?: Examining the potential of hydrofoam as an energy source.
  102. Ice Spike Formation in the Presence of a Strong Wind: Studying how strong winds influence the formation of ice spikes.
  103. Are Vegetable Dyes Effective? Comment.: Evaluating the effectiveness of vegetable dyes compared to synthetic dyes.
  104. The Production of Hydrogen: Investigating methods for producing hydrogen efficiently.
  105. Water Purification Using Solar Still: Investigating the efficiency of solar stills in purifying water.
  106. Microbial Fuel Cells: Exploring how bacteria can generate electricity from organic matter.
  107. Decomposition of Organic Waste Using Bio-digesters: Studying the breakdown of organic waste into biogas and fertilizer.
  108. Green Chemistry: Biodegradable Plastics: Creating and analyzing the properties of biodegradable plastics.
  109. Extraction of Essential Oils from Plants: Techniques for extracting and comparing essential oils from different plants.
  110. Surface Tension and Temperature: Examining the effect of temperature on the surface tension of liquids.
  111. Enzyme Catalysis in Biological Systems: Investigating how enzymes accelerate chemical reactions in living organisms.
  112. Electroplating Techniques: Studying the process and applications of electroplating metals.
  113. The Effect of Light on Photosynthesis: Measuring the rate of photosynthesis under various light conditions.
  114. Anti-corrosive Coatings: Testing different coatings to prevent metal corrosion.
  115. Effect of Acid Rain on Plant Growth: Investigating how acid rain impacts the growth of various plant species.
  116. Polymer Degradation: Studying how different environmental factors affect the breakdown of polymers.
  117. Extraction and Identification of Natural Sweeteners: Extracting natural sweeteners from plants and analyzing their properties.
  118. Water Hardness Testing: Comparing the hardness of water from various sources using titration methods.
  119. Thermal Decomposition of Compounds: Investigating the breakdown of compounds when heated and analyzing the products formed.
  120. Synthesis and Analysis of Aspirin: Creating aspirin and testing its purity and efficacy.

Final Thoughts

Investigatory projects in chemistry provide Class 12 CBSE students with a valuable learning experience. These projects allow students to explore chemical concepts in a practical way, deepening their understanding and sparking their interest in science. By conducting experiments and analyzing results, students gain essential skills that are useful in many fields. Ultimately, these projects not only make chemistry more engaging and enjoyable but also highlight its relevance and importance in our everyday lives and future careers.

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